Author: Jonathan Crozier

Having already introduced the concept of gRPC services and having walked through how to consume a gRPC service using .NET Core, I’m now going to cover the next most fundamental topics; authentication and authorization. For production applications, your API endpoints are normally going to be available publicly and therefore they need to be protected from…
On occasion, during day-to-day programming, the problem I am working on requires the generation of a random sequence of characters. For example, when dealing with some sort of account entity, the account might require a unique account reference to be specified upon its creation. Considering this scenario, it would be inconvenient for the end-user to…
Today JSON has taken over the role of XML for many scenarios, however, XML is still in very wide usage. XML stands for eXtensible Markup Language and has been a stalwart for data interchange since the year 1998. It has been adapted over time to solve many different problems related to programming. In this article,…